Dexter Park

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Dexter Park
Location: New York (Queens), NY (US)

Dexter Park was the home of the Brooklyn Bushwicks.

In the spring of 1913 Max Rosner founded his second semi-pro team the Brooklyn Bushwicks. Playing their games at the Wallace Grounds on Sunday mornings. Rosner's baseball operations were prosperous. Then on September 19, 1917 the grandstand at Wallace Grounds was destroyed by fire. Max made arrangements with the owners (Ulmer Brewery) of Dexter Park to play their games on Sunday afternoon starting in April 1918.

The effect of Prohibition in the 1920's effected the Ulmer Brewery forceing to divest their ownership of Dexter Park. On September 30, 1922 Rosner and his partner Nate Strong purchased Dexter Park for $200,000. They paid $75,000 in cash an gave the brewery a purchase-mortgage for $125,000.

Dexter Park consisted of the baseball grounds and 10 acres of land that included a hotel, dance hall, carousel, bowling alleys and shooting gallery. Max and Strong wanted to modernize the baseball grounds but lacked the capital.