Garland Buckeye

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Garland Buckeye
Garland Maires Buckeye
Bat/Throw: S/L
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 260
Born: 1897-10-16 at Heron Lake, MN (US)
Died: 1975-11-14 at Stone Lake, WI (US)
Interred: Ottawa Hills Memorial Park in Toledo, OH (US)
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Statistics: Retrosheet
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Garland Buckeye was a professional baseball and football player.


Garland's nickname was "Gob" a reference to his Navy service during WWI. He had other nicknames,such as "Great Lakes Dreadnought" and "Ponderosa" all referring to his weight. When he wasn't pitching he was playing football for three Chicago teams in the early National and American football leagues. His major league baseball career began with a short stint with the Washington Senators in 1918. He turned down various other major league offers because he was making good money playing semi pro ball. Finally signing with Cleveland in 1925.


  • 1993 baseball card. (Conlon Collection Megacards)

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