Help:Editing demographic information

From SABR Encyclopedia

Revision as of 21:21, 8 January 2010 by TurocyT01 (Talk | contribs)
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The demographic information on a person includes the person's name, dates and places of birth and death, and place of burial, as well as his batting and throwing hand, height, and typical playing weight.



The process for recommending a change to a person's demographic data depends on whether the person appeared in the Major Leagues in some capacity.

People with Major League experience

The SABR Biographical Research Committee is responsible for compiling and maintaining the authoritative demographic information on people who played, managed, coached, or umpired in the Major Leagues. These people can also be identified in the Encyclopedia by the legend "SABR Biographical Research Committee" appearing in the box containing their demographic information. To recommend a correction or update to this information, contact the Biographical Research Committee chair (currently Bill Carle).

People without Major League experience

There is no comparable central authoritative dataset for demographic information for people outside the purview of the Biographical Research Committee. The maintenance of demographic information on these people is organized within the SABR Encyclopedia itself. To recommend a change to demographic information, click the "Edit" link which appears in the box containing the person's demographic information.

Guidelines for making changes

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