Dode Paskert

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Dode Paskert
George Henry Paskert
Bat/Throw: R/R
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 165
Born: 1881-8-28 at Cleveland, OH (US)
Died: 1959-2-12 at Cleveland, OH (US)
Interred: St. Mary Cemetery in Cleveland, OH (US)
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Statistics: Retrosheet
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Dode Paskert was a professional player.


Dode was more widely known for his speed and defensive skills in centerfield than for his underrated offensive contributions. In 1917 when he led the NL outfielders in fielding average, one sportswriter judged him "better than Amos Strunk" going back for long fly balls,"better than Speaker" going to his left, and able to outdistance Cobb "in any direction". A solid leadoff hitter whose high in runs scored was 102 in 1912 and he stole 293 bases lifetime, with a high of 51 in 1910. The Phillies snared Paskert and Hans Lobert from Cincinnati for four nobodies in 1911. In late 1917 the Chicago Cubs traded home run champ Cy Williams for him.


  • The Ballplayers. New York: Arbor House William Morrow, 1990.
  • 1993 baseball card. (Megacards Inc.-The Conlon Collection)

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