Early baseball in Ohio/Game 5

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Spread of baseball: Home -> Ohio -> Early baseball in Ohio/Game 5
Location Ohio
Year 1866
Month 9
Date 8
City Cincinnati
State OH
Country US
Modern address Cincinnati OH
Was NY rules baseball Likely
Played by Locals
Team 1 Live Oak (Cincinnati)
Team 2 Eagle (Brooklyn, KY)
Team 1 Score 52
Team 2 Score 12

Henry Ellard, in Base Ball in Cincinnati (McFarland, 2004), pages 20-21, describes this game as "the first match game of base ball ever played in Cincinnati." [page 20].

He also notes, however, that one of the visiting side batted one-handed using an 18-inch bat. [page 21].

Ellard does not provide the original source for his account.

Query: can we find that source?


Henry Ellard, in Base Ball in Cincinnati (McFarland, 2004), pages 20-21

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