Rudy York

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Rudy York
Rudolph Preston York
Bat/Throw: R/R
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 209
Born: 1913-8-17 at Ragland, AL (US)
Died: 1970-2-5 at Rome, GA (US)
Interred: Sunset Memorial Gardens in Cartersville, GA (US)
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Statistics: Retrosheet
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Rudy York played MLB from 1937 - 1948 (with brief stint in 1934).


Rudy York (whose name was actually Preston Rudolph York) played major league baseball for the Detroit Tigers (1934, 1937-1945), Boston Red Sox (1946-1947), Chicago White Sox (1947) and Philadelphia A's (1948). Although he was primarily a first baseman, when he first arrived in the majors he was used as a third baseman, catcher and outfielder. A powerful hitter, he had a hard time staying in the Tigers' lineup prior to 1940 due to his defensive weaknesses at these positions. He finally found a home at first base, the only position at which he was even marginally capable, in 1940 when the Tigers moved Hank Greenberg to left field.

Early Life

Rudy York was born in Ragland, Alabama on August 17, 1913. He was the third surviving child of Arthur N. and Beulah (Locklear) York. Although he was born in Alabama, the family had deep roots in northwest Georgia and returned to the area when Rudy was a small child. Rudy had four siblings, including a brother Arthur W. ("Buddy") and a sister Adele, who were older than Rudy; a sister Bonnie and brother Lavis ("Snooks" "Lewis") who were younger. Lavis (who was usually refered to as "Lew") had a brief career in minor-league ball after World War II, playing in Carrolton (Georgia-Alabama League) in 1946 and Vancouver (Western International League) briefly in 1947.

Unfortunately, Arthur N. York was not a reliable husband or father. He wandered in and out of the family structure during Rudy's early childhood years, and had left the family entirely by the time Rudy was a teenager. Military records indicate Arthur enlisted in the Army in 1917 while living in Aragon, Georgia, although York family members have said that Arthur returned to Georgia from Ragland without Beulah and the children, leaving Beulah to get back to Georgia as best she could*. 1920 Census records show Beulah and the children living in Aragon, where she worked in the local mill. Arthur is not listed with the family in those records, and Beulah is listed as head of household. Arthur had not completely disappeared, however, as Lavis was born in 1924**. Arthur and Beulah were divorced in 1927 in Polk County.


  • This information was provided by Rudy's niece, Annette Spinks, during lengthy discussions with T. W. Sloope
  • Although the SABR Minor League Encyclopedia, now available at, indicates Lavis (Lewis) York was born in 1924, the 1930 U.S. Census indicates he was 9 years old in 1930. No documentation on his true birth date has ever been seen by this author.

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