Talk:Red Ormsby

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A really busy life for a man who apparently never recovered from his war wounds. There's an on-field injury in 1938 that I didn't track down but looks like it needs to be described here. He's unusually well covered in all the digitized newspaper sources I checked.

There are some mild disagreements between the sources. I did my best to sort out the differences.

Ormsby's umpire/player card seems to show him at St. Paul from 1915 to 1917, and there's a 1914 Appleton stint in there I can't verify. The St. Paul stint is consistent with the information on, for what that's worth.

Ormsby had a career as a Chautaqua speaker that it would be fun to track down. --jowo 23:59, 4 July 2009 (EDT)

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