Early baseball in Maryland/Game 11

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Spread of baseball: Home -> Maryland -> Early baseball in Maryland/Game 11
This record has been submitted recently, and has not yet been reviewed. This does not imply that the information is incorrect, but that it is not yet included in official datasets. This notice will no longer appear once the record has been reviewed.
Location Maryland
Year 1867
Note on date 4/20/1867
City Easton
State Maryland
Country Dr. Earle's field
Was NY rules baseball Yes
Played by Locals
Team 1 Fair Play First Nine
Team 2 Fair Play Second Nine
Found by marty payne

"Base Ball Club-The Second Nine of the 'Fair Play Club,' of Easton has challenged the First Nine and the contest will come off this afternoon at 3 o'clock in Dr. Earle's field,adjoining town. We have no doubt the scene will quite interesting to spectators." (Easton Gazzette, April 20, 1867).

The pending game was preceeded by these announcements; "BaseBall Club.-Lovers of health-giving exercise have now an opportunity of joining a Base Ball Club, proposed to be formed in this town. A meeting will be held this Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in the Lyceum Room, at the Court House; all persons wishing to become members, or to assist in the organization of the Club are requested to attend. We hope that our citizens will evince some interest in this matter." (Easton Gazett, March 16, 1867).

"The young men of Easton, have organized a base ball club, and enjoyed the first game on Wednesday. This is one of the most popular games now in the country and is very wholesome exercise. The society have appointed Wednesday and Saturday, as the days of playing and every one who can spare the time, would no doubt, be benifitted by occassionally indulging in this sport." (Easton Gazette, April 6, 1867)

"Base Ball-This healthful and vigorous exercise, which has long been the most popular game in this country, is now attracting considerable attention in Easton. The 'Fair Play' Club was organized some time since, and have played a number of games, the members are all deeply interested, and the club promises to be equal to any on the shore. The regular time for playing is Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 4 o'clock." (Easton Journal, April 11, 1867).


Easton Gazette, March 16, 1867 Easton Gazette, April 6, 1867 Easton Gazette, April 20, 1867 Easton Journal, April 11, 1867

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