Early baseball in Arkansas/Game 5

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Spread of baseball: Home -> Arkansas -> Early baseball in Arkansas/Game 5
This record has been submitted recently, and has not yet been reviewed. This does not imply that the information is incorrect, but that it is not yet included in official datasets. This notice will no longer appear once the record has been reviewed.
Location Arkansas
Year 1868
Month 5
Date 30
City Little Rock
State AR
Country US
Site Rock City Grounds
Was NY rules baseball Yes
Played by Locals
Team 1 Withall's Side
Team 2 English's Side
Team 1 Score 39
Team 2 Score 34
Length 6 innings
Found by Caleb Hardwick

AS reported by the Arkansas Morning Republican on June 3rd, 1868:

"The match game between the two pick nines from the Dixie and Rock City Base Ball Clubs was played on Saturday afternoon at the grounds of the latter club, at the head of Scott street. Quite a number of spectators were present witnessing the game --more, we believe than we have seen in attendance at any match game heretofore in our city. The result of the game was as follows.

Witnall's side: 39 English's side: 34

An idea seems prevalent that this was a game was a match between the first nines of each club, this is erroneous, as will be seen from reference to the score, English's side being comprised of five players from the Dixie and four of the Rock City, while Withall's side was made up in a like manner -- with four players from Dixie and four from Rock City. Good feelings predominated on both sides during the continuance of the game, and nothing occurred to create any discord."


Arkansas Morning Republican on June 3rd, 1868

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