Other firsts in baseball/Event 13

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Spread project: Home -> Other firsts -> Other firsts in baseball/Event 13
Year 1905
State CA
Country US
Description First recorded game between two different non-white races

"In 1905, the first recorded game between two different non-white races occurred when a visiting Japanese team played at an Indian boarding school in California. The patronizing reporter for "Sporting News" observed: 'The Orientals . . . had it over the Aborigines during all stages of the game, with the exception of the sixth inning, when the Sherman braves with a whoop broke from the reservation and went tearing madly about until six of them had scored.'"


Steven Jay Gould, Triumph and Tragedy: A Lifelong Passion for Baseball (Norton, 2003), page 26. Gould does not provide a detailed source for the Sporting News story.